Past Band Members Section > Scott Weiland

Missing Scott Weiland


I went on vacation and visited my sister outside of Sacramento and cruised by Santa Cruz. I always wanted to visit Santa Cruz since I love the movie The Lost Boys and how I basically really discovered The Doors because of it. Of course, later in life, I would find that Scott stayed there for a bit. I wasn't planning on doing this but when I got back in town, after work one night, if I didn't pause to mess w/ my earphones, the car, who ran the light, would have hit me. I was in the process of one foot off the curb and stepping down when I stepped back up and the car flew by. I was listening to this song and ended up making a video of it cause I never know when life is going to take me out.  This is for Rock n Roll and the people who make it.   "People are Strange" The Doors.


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