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Messages - foou33

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Someone publicly trying to "cancel" you or something? What is this thread? God there's so much suck in the world right now.

Just support the band if you like the band. Speak the truth about the Weiland situation, which if done correctly is conversation of merit regarding both the positive and the negative, and try to support Noah Weiland's musical efforts if it appeals to you.

That's it.

No one trying to cancel me, it's just me coming to terms with the stuff I've said on here.

As for the "what is this thread?": Obviously badmouthing Scott on here didn't help anyone, and potentially could have hurt the feelings of people that knew Scott personally that view these forums (I don't know if his family lurk on the BE forums, but it wouldn't have been very pleasant for them to read the stuff I said). I'm sorry to them if I caused them any hurt. In addition, Rik runs BE, a site dedicated to STP and their legacy, and then I came on her and regularly cut Scott down, I gotta imagine that pissed Rik off, So I'm sorry to him to for that. And then all of you come here to discuss the band, and then I would come in and pick fights with you guys about Scott's condition. I'm sorry to you guys for that. You come here to discuss STP, not argue with me about the bullshit I was on about. Again, I'm sorry, and I am truly ashamed of myself for all of this.

Hi everyone. I would like to apologize to Scott Weiland, his family, Rik, and to all of you for my behavior and for the things I've said about Scott Weiland here on Below Empty. I said a lot of inconsiderate and hurtful things towards Scott that he didn't deserve. He was a man struggling with mental illness and drug addiction and I would often shit on him most chances I got. I am ashamed of myself for doing this and there is no excuse for it. Again, I am sorry.


Coconut started off by saying Anthony is as bad as Fred Durst lyrically, which isn't true. Then he said in a battle of stupid, Scott is morally superior to Anthony based on the limited information we have about their lives.

I guess I can see where the confusion came in, but I really only meant lyrically.  I wasn't trying to take this into a comparison of them as humans.

Well, lyrically I think Fred isn't very good compared to Anthony. Neither of them can really sing at all though. As far as human beings, I don't think Fred has had as many creepy alligations/stories that Anthony has had.

Remembe when STP opened for RHCP in 2000 and many reviews stated STP blew RHCP out of the water?

That depends what you wanted to see. If you wanted to see a rock and roll band then STP would have been the bigger highlight no doubt. the chili peppers aren't strictly a rock and roll band, they have a lot of funk elements that STP doesn't, they also improvise a lot at their live shows, so a lot of people leave salty because the songs don't sound exactly the same as they do on the albums. a lot of straight rock fans leave chili peppers shows feeling out of place, like they would at a jazz concert where things are improvised and changed on the spot.

this is a good example of that, john adds a retard to the verse guitar riff that totally changes the song. at the end instead of doing the sweat leaf riff with flea he plays something totally different.



I don’t think anyone was trying to put Scott on a pedestal. Obviously he was no saint and had his flaws, they mainly appeared to stem from his drug use and mental health problems though. I thought he actually was open about this in both his book and in many interviews. As far as I’m concerned though what Kiedis admitted to is not even comparable and is unforgivable behaviour, calling it ‘stupid shit’ is downplaying it somewhat too, it’s child abuse. The fact that he continues to lust after 18 year old girls despite being close to 60 doesn’t exactly help his case either. The guy is a ‘man child’ and just gives off massive creep vibes. With regards to musical ability, I agree that his lyrics, for the most part, are absolute nonsense, it’s not just the odd song either. Also the guy cannot sing to save his life. Comparing his talent to someone like Scott in his prime is ludicrous.

Fair points. But I suppose you guys classify Bowie and Zeppelin as creeps who are garbage? What does it say about artists that looked up to Jerry Lee Lewis? What does it say about Scott for idolizing Bowie? You're naive if you think everything you love wasn't at some point touched by someone who has done something terrible.

Coconut started off by saying Anthony is as bad as Fred Durst lyrically, which isn't true. Then he said in a battle of stupid, Scott is morally superior to Anthony based on the limited information we have about their lives.

There also was a chapter in that book where he claims he knew at a young age that he had a knack for poetry/lyrics and one of his teachers just loved him and thought he was the greatest from what I can remember.  IMO he's up there with Fred Durst for worst lyrics in any band I can think of:



I mean, yeah those aren't his best lyrics, however if you're gonna judge a lyricist by their worst work, then Scott ranks up there with the worst too.

"Yeah, come on come on now" x 4

"You always were my favorite drug, Even when we used to take drugs"

My guy has you beat by a lot. 

I don't think you wanna go head to head with Kiedis' stupidity.

Dude, Scott killed himself with drugs. Kiedis is alive and well.

Kiedis is a paedophile though sooo...

The dude had sex with a 14 year old TWICE when he was 23! He knew her age the second time too, he’s admitted this in his autobiography. It doesn’t get lower than that.

Agreed, Kiedis has done some stupid shit, however holding Scott up on a pedestal like a saint is a waste of time. Anthony was honest in his biography, Scott didn't get into too much in his biography aside from being raped in high school. I'm sure he got up to plenty of terrible shit when he was using too.

Everyone's written questionable lyrics.

Anthony Kiedis is at the highest level of garbage.  Him and Fred Durst are the Kings of shit lyricism.

if you think this is shit, then you must have ridiculously high lyrical standards.

She's got sword in case
Though this is not her lord in case
The one who can't afford to face
Her image is restored to grace
No trace
Musky tears
The down turn brave
Little burncub bearcareless turnip snare
Rampages pitch color pages
Down and out but not in Vegas
Disembarks and disengages
No loft
Sweet pink canary cages plummet pop dewskin fortitude
For the sniffing black noses that snort and allude
To the dangling trinkets that mimic the dirt cough go drink it's
It's for you
Blue battered naval town slip kisses delivered by duck
Muscles and bottlenosed grifters arrive in time to catch the late show
It's a beehive barrel race
A shehive stare and chase wasted feature who tried and failed to reach her
Embossed beneath a box in the closet that's lost
The kind that you find when you mind your own business
Shiv sister to the quickness before it blisters into the new morning milk blanket
Your ilk is funny to the turnstyle touch bunny who's bouquet set a course for bloom without decay
Get you broom and sweep the echoes of yesternights fallen freckles, away


"You always were my favorite drug, Even when we used to take drugs"

I've read this on here before, where people blast this lyric.
I actually don't find anything wrong with it.

The level of addiction to Mary (assuming it's Mary) was an infatuation beyond any drug he's ever craved.
I'm cool with that notion - especially when, by all accounts, he was crazy for her.

As for the rest of Between the Lines, i'm pretty sure he said in an interview that the lyrical approach was a "I Am The Walrus" vibe, in which words sound phonetically interesting rather than the meaning itself.

For every argument that the "Peace" album had filler lyrics, there are some gems in there.

"you're my favorite drug" is about as cliche as "you're my favorite disease".


"Do you want to go dancing in Chicago?  Trinidad's got it bad for Tobago.  Take me to the lake where we do the Avocado."

Art of Anarchy

There also was a chapter in that book where he claims he knew at a young age that he had a knack for poetry/lyrics and one of his teachers just loved him and thought he was the greatest from what I can remember.  IMO he's up there with Fred Durst for worst lyrics in any band I can think of:



I mean, yeah those aren't his best lyrics, however if you're gonna judge a lyricist by their worst work, then Scott ranks up there with the worst too.

"Yeah, come on come on now" x 4

"You always were my favorite drug, Even when we used to take drugs"

My guy has you beat by a lot. 

I don't think you wanna go head to head with Kiedis' stupidity.

Dude, Scott killed himself with drugs. Kiedis is alive and well.

There also was a chapter in that book where he claims he knew at a young age that he had a knack for poetry/lyrics and one of his teachers just loved him and thought he was the greatest from what I can remember.  IMO he's up there with Fred Durst for worst lyrics in any band I can think of:



I mean, yeah those aren't his best lyrics, however if you're gonna judge a lyricist by their worst work, then Scott ranks up there with the worst too.

"Yeah, come on come on now" x 4

"You always were my favorite drug, Even when we used to take drugs"


It's at the 16:50 mark. What's weird is I thought Anthony became friends with Scott during their tour together in 2000, however this interview happened before STP joined the chili peppers.


Tommy Black? More like Tommy Gray.

Amiright?!? Ba Dum Tss

wow, wasn't expecting him to be that grey.

Velvet Revolver / Re: Weiland/Pharrell Collabo
« on: May 06, 2020, 05:45:34 AM »
Different song entirely.

This is the collaboration:

Then Pharrell did this own for the NERD album


Velvet Revolver / Re: Weiland/Pharrell Collabo
« on: May 06, 2020, 03:56:33 AM »
Can someone clarify something for me, the 2013 hit "Happy" by Pharrell, does that have anything to do with the song "Happy" being discussed here?

I'd like to hear the pre STP arrangement.

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