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Author Topic: What if scenario-No jail time for Scott  (Read 2639 times)


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What if scenario-No jail time for Scott
« on: September 24, 2014, 07:18:42 PM »
As the second part of this what if series, this one dates around the release of No. 4. Many agree that Scott's jail sentence killed off early momentum for the album without a '99 tour, and that the relaunch after he got out and the release of Sour Girl was so surprisingly successful that it astonished everyone. The series of shows in 2000 were also considered amazing. But what would have happened if Scott hadn't gone to jail? How would things have worked out? This also includes the fact that the time in jail seemed to work out the best for him in terms of his addiction.

Five Star Edge

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Re: What if scenario-No jail time for Scott
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2014, 08:19:13 PM »
I'm alive. Are you? Sixty days into my sentence, just a message to let you know that I still breathe, think and have not lost the freedom to write.
 What can I say about jail? It is one of the travesties of mankind to lose one's freedom, to be locked and bound behind bars of steel, but if the wheels of a man's mind are free to turn and the wings of his spirit cannot be clipped, then is a man truly in chains? And is any man truly free? Are you free? Free to shop at the 7-11, I suppose, or free to fill your car with gasoline, ever a slave to the oil companies that dangle inflation and deflation in front of your nose like a carrot.

What control do we really have? What choices can we truly make to shape our own destiny? Choices and decisions of the mind and spirit, I am coming to find, is where my power lies. My power lies in having no power at all. A bewildering paradox but one I'm learning to be true. True passion. Do you live to breathe or breathe to live? Are you just a feather blowing on the wind? This is not a life sentence.

Scott Weiland
I’m here to bleed for all the lust and lonely nights.